
Planning and scheduling

Question 1: Evaluate the various ways in which network logic can be developed.

Question 2: Describe the factors which should be considered when estimating activity durations.

Question 3: Describe the concept of float, by using an illustration to support your answer.

Question 4: Compare and contrast the three classes of project resource.

Question 5: Events which lie outside the control of the project manager can affect or completely wreck attempts at project planning. Illustrate.

Question 6: When is it more suitable to draw a network diagram from right to left instead of left to right?

Question 7: Describe how cash flow can be scheduled in a project.

Question 8: Explain the different types of charts that a project manager will be able to use in managing a project. Describe the charts which you refer to.

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Other Management: Planning and scheduling
Reference No:- TGS04160

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