
planned and coordinated developmentthe cea would

Planned and coordinated development:

The CEA would prepare the global Electricity Plan after carefully carrying out the demand forecast in consultation along with stakeholders and experts. This would serve as a good reference document for prospective generating organization, transmission utilities and distribution licensees.

Rural electrification:

The National Electricity Policy lays down the approach for developing Rural Electrification distribution backbone and village electrification to achieve the goal of completing household electrification of the further five years.  The policy also envisages financial support in terms of capital subsidy to states and special preference to Dalit Bastis for rural electrification. Under the Policy, the Central Government has taken measures for setting standards and specifications for equipment and technologies, execution, evolving standard operating procedures for project formulation, capacity building in states, monitoring and evaluation, SEBs/Utilities, initiating R&D Programme for upgrading technology, remote metering and proficient equipments based on the recommendations of Technical Committees of experts within the power sector and financial sector.

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Electrical Engineering: planned and coordinated developmentthe cea would
Reference No:- TGS0202993

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