
Plan or review administrative systems

Plan or review Administrative Systems:

You work for a small corner store which supplies milk, bread, newspapers and general groceries.  You have various people you deal with daily – your co-workers, owner, customers and the people who supply you milk, bread, newspapers and other groceries.

The owner has always used a verbal system for ordering his supplies however as the shop has grown and the suppliers have changed the owner has found that what he has verbally ordered is sometimes not delivered.  The owner is not computer literate.

You have just completed your studies and know there are better methods and systems which can be used for ordering your supplies.

Your task is to design a system (technology or paper based) which the owner can use to place his orders and allow for accurate payments to be made on those goods.  To undertake this will require you to answer the following questions

1. Identify what would be some of the requirements for this type of system.

2. Who should you consult with (speak with) to ensure their needs were met?

3. Who would you need to obtain approval from to spend the money to investigate and develop your system?

4. Develop a flow chart of how the system would work, based on the needs of the users and stakeholders.

5. Develop materials of what your system would look like.  Add extra pages if necessary.

6. Obtain costs for your system. Where electronic systems are required use $1000K for a computer with a monitor and point of sale equipment at $5000K per register. Access for EFTPOS is included.  For any programs necessary estimate at $7000.  Where you are missing costs contact your trainer for a figure you can use.

7. Identify methods you could use to implement your ideas.

8.  Write a procedure for how this system is to work.  Include a step by step process using the following as a template.

The purpose of this procedure is to describe (what is this procedure about)

The procedure applies to (who will use this procedure)

Process steps (list each step individually- short simple sentences, in the exact order they will be carried out)

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6 (add more steps if necessary)

9.  Identify the training requirements for the other staff, the owner and the suppliers.

Staff    Owner    Suppliers

10.  Define what possibly could go wrong if your process was put into place and what could be done to stop that from happening.

Problem    Solution

12. One of the suppliers has stated they found the system confusing as some were identifying materials to order based on name only rather than product code and there was often a mistake on the unit price.  What would you need to change in your process to ensure these issues were improved?

13. What processes could be used for monitoring the new system for accuracy, assisting staff in its use, useability from staff and suppliers.

14. What modifications would need to be made to your system if the boss wanted to make sure the ordering system would link with the creditors accounting system?

15.  How would you communicate that to the current users of the system?

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Other Management: Plan or review administrative systems
Reference No:- TGS01434491

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