
Plan for paycho-educational people affected by addiction

Problem: This module is structured so that day 9 dedicates classroom time for hands-on workshop in which students produce a plan for some type of a six week paycho-educational group for people affected by addiction or recovery.

The group plans should be relevant to addiction or recovery, and be based on information and skills the students already possess. Instructors are free to reschedule the workshop for a different day of the module if this works better in their specific circilumstances.

Instructors can add additional specific resources if they wish. instructors can also offer specific direction to students in terms of topics, as well as background information on skills or knowledge involved in the students' group plans. This assignment was designed to be a loose and flexible guideline so that instructors can tailor the assignment to the specific needs and abilities of their students.

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Reference No:- TGS03326664

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