
Plan for childrens project and accompanying documentation

Plan for children's project and accompanying documentation. Create a project outline for use in an early childhood learning context.

How might you translate your response to the anthropocene as an adult, into teaching ideas suitable for young children? must also clearly address the subject of the anthropocene in such a way that young children can grasp the concepts of the anthropocene, and be able to respond to that subject in artistic and creative ways. What goes into the assignment? *A rationale, written using standard academic language and referencing (APA style);

A written outline of the project to be undertaken. The project must be written for an early childhood context -this must be clearly identified in the assignment. If you choose a school-based context the appropriate curriculum documents must be referred to for identifying learning outcomes, if the context is before-school than the EYLF must be referred to for learning outcomes. The project outline is written with the following headings: o Overview -a brief description of the aims of the project o Learning outcomes -what curriculum based learning children will achieve by doing the project o Activities -descriptive explanations of the activities to be undertaken. These are not in close detail, but provide a good idea of the general contents of the activities. Be really inventive here, think about using different media, being indoors and/or outdoors, live/person/visit/material ideas you will use. o Resources -be creative and inventive. Use the resources or similar, to those found in the Blackboard site. Think carefully about: What might help children understand the concepts and the things you are expecting them to do?

2500 words.

10 references.

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Dissertation: Plan for childrens project and accompanying documentation
Reference No:- TGS01413695

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