
Plan and implement various application servers for an

System Administration Assignment


This assignment assesses the following Unit Learning Outcomes; students should be able to demonstrate their achievements in them.

a) Apply human usability in systems and documentation within the context of constantly changing modern industry requirements.

b) Plan and implement various application servers for an organization.

Length: 1200-1500 words.


Case Study

Windows Server with multiple domains

There is a company called "ABC" that needs to setup a LAN (Local Area Network) for the main office, which is located in Melbourne. They have three different departments named Operation, Finance and Marketing. There are 50 employees working in this company in different departments. All objects (such as users, computers, file shares, printer's apps, groups, etc.) belonging to those departments should have their OU (Organisational Unit). The company wants multiple domains with a windows server. The client requires you to implement the following technologies in their LAN.

• Centralized user authentication for different domains (Active Directory).
• Configure a DHCP to acquire automatic IP address.
• Company to host a website including a separate IIS server.
• There will be two different domains. One is allocated for the administrator and the other is allocated for everyone else.
• Your configuration should reflect the above criteria and display different privileges assigned to the different domains.

After creation of a child domain, you will see the following:

• An Active Directory integrated zone on the new domain controller for child domain name.

• A forwarded DNS (Domain Name Server) listing on this domain controller for the Test website DNS servers.
• A delegated DNS sub-domain on the Test website to new domain controller.

Submission Guideline:

Your assignment should be completed according to the General Guidelines for Presentation of Academic Work.

1. Write a report by following a standard user documentation report template on the above case study, which should include the following:

a) A short introduction.
b) Design of the Network diagram (any software can be used such as Visio and Netsim etc.).
c) Configuration of the whole project.
d) Proper labelled Screenshots from implementation.
e) Any extra feature that you have added in your project or any difficulties you faced during your project, if any.

2. Documentation should follow the standard submission guidelines as follow:

a) Front page - indicating your Group members' names and student IDs, teaching staff (lecturer's and tutor's name), a statement of what has been completed and acknowledgement of the names of all those who assisted you.

b) List of references used (IEEE style) - Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list. Only IEEE referencing style is acceptable for this assignment.

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Computer Networking: Plan and implement various application servers for an
Reference No:- TGS02646787

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