
Plan an innovative marketing campaign for cappuccino cafe


You must complete and submit the following documents;
o A document describing team goals
o A draft budget for team activities
o A document describing which potential team members to include
o A document describing strengths and weaknesses of current team members
o A documented describing team ground rules
o A document describing innovation schedule
o A document describing rewards
o A feedback document from each team member

Scenario: Cappuccino Cafe

Cappuccino Cafe is an Italian coffee chain attempting to enter the Australian cafe market. It will open its first store in a popular shopping centre in the middle of one of Australia's major cities at the beginning of next summer. The owners of Cappuccino Cafe are aware that there are three major competitors with stores in the same shopping centre. They know they need to come up with an innovative marketing campaign including an opening event to lure consumers into their store.

Cappuccino Cafe stores make their espressos and cappuccinos using a Southern Italian style blend of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans. The owners of the chain believe the quality of their coffee is superior to that of their competitors and believe that once customers try their coffee they won't want to drink anything else. They are going to charge similar prices to their main competitor.

Cappuccino Cafe wants to launch its newest product, Cafelato, a mixture of coffee and cinnamon gelato, at the opening event.

Cappuccino Cafe wants to have a fresh, innovative marketing campaign. They don't want to have a boring, conventional marketing campaign using traditional advertising media such as billboards and newspaper ads.

Innovation challenge

Plan an innovative marketing campaign for Cappuccino Cafe. The campaign must promote the new store and the new product.

1. Propose strategies for generating brand awareness.
2. Decide which advertising media you will use.
3. Plan the store opening event:
a. Propose strategies for attracting potential customers
b. Propose strategies for encouraging people to try the new product.

Key information:
- You have a team budget of $5000 for the campaign, including an hourly rate of $50 per team member.
- Your target market is the coffee drinkers who shop at Harbour Bridge Shopping Centre.
- The store is in a prime location in the Shopping Centre.

Please complete the following feedback on your team member's performance (FICTIONAL GROUP).

Team member's name:
Your name:
Your role: - Team member - Team activity observer
Rate this team member using a 5-point scale
Strongly disagree 2
Disagree 3
Neither agree nor disagree 4
Agree 5
Strongly agree
Discussed bringing people into the team based on what needed to be achieved and the potential for sharing ideas.
Worked well with team members to establish ground rules.
Followed team ground rules.
Discussed team roles and responsibilities constructively.
Participated proactively in team discussions.
Listened to others and showed respect for different viewpoints.
Demonstrated effective communication skills.
Shared information, knowledge and experiences with other team members.
Challenged and tested ideas within the team in a positive and collaborative way.
Encouraged innovation among teammates.
Encouraged innovation by discussing training and learning opportunities.
Encouraged the fair sharing of workload.
Demonstrated supportive and respectful communication.
Helped plan and scheduled activities to allow time for thinking, challenging and collaboration.
Acknowledged and respected diversity within the team.
Helped establish reward and recognition system as an integral part of the team's way of working.
Encouraged the team to reflect on the activity and discuss opportunities for improvement and innovation.

Identify any areas that the team member could improve to add more value to the teamwork process.
Identify opportunities for team members to improve their skills in innovation.
What are the major strengths of this team member?
Provide any other comments that you may have regarding the performance of the team member.

Support and guide innovtaion team environment

Instructions to complete this assessment task:

Using the scenario information supplied, the candidate will work within a team to model behaviour that encourages and supports innovation, such as seeking and using innovative ideas, sharing and discussing ideas, etc.

Assessment Task Instructions:

1. Review the scenario for the case study organisation you selected in Assessment Task 1.
2. Work with the same team as in Assessment Task 1.
3. Reflect on the idea or topic you raised in Assessment Task 1 to research further and discuss in an upcoming meeting.
4. Research the idea or topic. Reflect on and refine your innovative idea.

Plan and create work schedule


Assessment Instructions

1. Select an existing or upcoming task/project from your workplace that requires a work plan, schedule and the participation of others in order to complete. You will need to include at least two colleagues for this assessment (fictional people).

2. Identify your work objectives and complete a work plan. You may use the template provided in Appendix 1, or an alternative template or tool from your place of work.

3. Select a business technology to schedule tasks and plan work, e.g. Outlook, Google Calendar, Excel, or any other. If you select a digital application to track your plan, be sure to identify it in the physical resources section of the template and ensure that you can provide screen shots or downloads of the relevant entries to your assessor in your final submission.

a. In the introduction of your work plan, explain why you chose this specific business technology to track and complete this task. What are the advantages of this choice over the other available options?

b. Anticipate any possible obstacles to the achievement of the work plan and develop contingency plans to deal with them should they arise.

c. Ensure you monitor activities to measure achievement of objectives and performance of team members.

4. Assign job roles and responsibilities for each team member. You may use the template provided in Appendix 2 or an alternative template or tool from your place of work. When assigning job/task roles, consider the individual skills and knowledge of each participant, client needs, resources available and targets for the project or task.

5. Analyse and prioritise work objectives in your plan to complete a work schedule for yourself and each team member. Be sure to communicate your own work plan to the other team members. You may use the template provided in Appendix 3 or an alternative template or tool from your place of work.

6. Schedule time for work activities to ensure that the work is completed as efficiently and effectively as possible.

7. For each individual's work plan, write down:
a. what activity will be performed
b. the intended outcomes for the activity and how the outcomes contribute to the overall goal
c. any additional information necessary for a team member to follow the schedule effectively.

8. Follow your work plan and work schedule to complete the work.

9. As you are completing the work, monitor how the work is progressing against objectives and make any adjustments to the work schedule you deem necessary. Keep a record of any adjustments you make to your plan or schedule by saving a marked up version with edits.

10. Once the task is completed, write a brief report outlining:
a. the project you undertook
b. the tool that you selected to manage the task, i.e. Appendix 1 template, enterprise specific template or other selected business technology
c. how you incorporated work objectives and priorities into each team member's schedule
d. how you used interpersonal skills to collaboratively plan work objectives and responsibilities
e. any obstacles that your team faced and whether you developed any contingency plans to deal with these
f. methods used to monitor progress in accordance with organisational requirements such as work processes and procedures
g. techniques you have used to prepare your personal plan, including an explanation of how you established priorities
h. any adjustments that you made to the work schedule and how you informed team members of these adjustments
i. the effectiveness and efficiencies of the tool you used to manage the task and whether you would recommend it's use for future similar projects
j. your thoughts on whether the task was a success or not and anything you would do differently if you were to complete the planning process over again.



1. Identify your work objectives and responsibilities and set performance benchmarks against which you can establish a routine to evaluate your performance over three separate work periods. Use objectives and benchmarks from Assessment Task 1.

2. Plan and diarise for at least three systematic reviews of your performance, e.g. end of shifts, weeks or workplace tasks.

3. Assess your own performance against the benchmarks you have set and record these in a document.

4. Using the evaluation survey in Appendix 1 as a guide, seek and gather feedback on your personal work performance to measure against the benchmarks you have set. For each of the three systematic reviews, seek feedback from your colleagues or clients you have identified.

Gather a range of relevant feedback to enable you to determine whether you are meeting your work performance objectives and the organisational standards expected of you and record these in a document. Clearly explain the methods used to elicit, analyse and interpret feedback.

5. Evaluate your findings and complete a report outlining a detailed explanation of the methods that you used to evaluate your own performance, using the five headings and questions below.
a. Work objectives
i. What are your personal objective and targets for the work or task?
ii. What are the additional work standards you must adhere to in your workplace?
b. Feedback
i. Identify methods of feedback used to evaluate personal performance, such as performance data, observation, and 360° feedback?
ii. Explain other possible methods of feedback?
c. Self-assessment
i. Are you meeting your work objectives or targets? Explain your answer.
ii. Are you complying with the standards expected in your work? Explain your answer.
iii. Does the feedback reveal any issues or areas of concern?
iv. What are some other methods you could use to evaluate your own performance?
d. Areas for improvement
i. In what areas of your work could you improve your performance? Explain your answer.
e. Organisational requirements
i. What are your organisation's procedures for identifying and reporting on areas for improvement?
ii. How effective were your scheduled evaluations in identifying your work performance in accordance with organisational requirements?
iii. Research and describe two types of software programs which may be used to plan and monitor tasks in future work.

6. Submit your report in accordance with the specifications on the following page.



1. Use the competency checklist provided in Appendix 1 to assess your relevant work skills and knowledge.

2. Reflect on your strengths as well as the areas for improvement that you identified in your Assessment Task 2 report. Complete the strengths and weaknesses template in Appendix 2.

3. Liaise with colleagues and access appropriate workplace documents (job role descriptions and work plans) to help you identify professional development opportunities that are available to you and that you could undertake to help address your areas for improvement. Record the findings of this discussion in a document.

4. Using the relevant workplace documents and any recorded notes from discussions with colleagues, supervisors or managers, create a short list of competencies that you would like to address or improve. Conduct internet research on training opportunities. Add these as follow up notes to the record of liaison meetings.

5. Using the templates in Appendix 3, create a 12-month Professional Development Plan (PDP) and complete the professional development activities template. Ensure you identify organisational requirements for storage and review.

6. Submit a copy of the PDP to your assessor. Keep a copy for your next performance review at your workplace.

7. Write a brief summary (maximum 150 words) reviewing your experience as you worked through this assessment. You must:
a. identify the methods that you used to prioritise your professional development needs
b. include the findings from Step 3 above

Prepare meeting documents

- This assessment task required to prepare a notice of meeting and an agenda for a meeting you arranged in Assessment Task 1.
- You must prepare a notice of meeting and a meeting agenda for your workplace situation or for the Bags Around Town scenario.
- You must use the given template while drafting your answer.



1. Using the information from Assessment Task 1, prepare a timeline of tasks and resources to complete to prepare for your meeting using Appendix 2 of this assessment task. If you used the Bags About Town scenario in Assessment Task 1, you will find further information in Appendix 1.
2. Prepare a notice of meeting for your workplace situation or for the Bags About Town scenario.
3. Prepare a meeting agenda for your workplace situation or for the Bags About Town scenario.
4. Use the following template to identify all of the other documents you will need for your meeting.
5. To plan for the meeting, identify the people you need to contact to get a copy of each document and the date by which you will need each document.
6. Compose a draft email to all attendees advising of meeting details and documents that will need to be read prior to the meeting.


1. Choose one of the below scenarios to complete.
2. Draft minutes from the meeting,
3. Compose an email to the chair of the meeting (or your assessor) requesting they check your draft minutes for accuracy.
4. Amend minutes for final distribution
5. Draft an email to all attendees with attached final minutes.
6. You must complete the meeting minutes using the correct format that;
a. Provides information regarding discussions, decisions and agreed actions
b. Provides the appropriate amount of information.
c. Submit for assessment:
d. Notes from meeting
e. Copy of email to chair or assessor requesting check for accuracy
f. Any feedback received
g. Final version of minutes
h. Copy of email distributing minutes to attendees.

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Business Management: Plan an innovative marketing campaign for cappuccino cafe
Reference No:- TGS02684193

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