Assignment: Event Management
Students will prepare a minimum 7-page paper including the following information. Papers must be submitted as single sheets that are stapled together and typewritten and double-spaced. A cover sheet with the student's name, course name, professor's name and class time must be affixed to the front of the paper. The below format 1 - 8 must be followed.
Plan a detailed event that interests you: Examples: You will be planning the inaugural 5k run/walk for the Cape Cod National Seashore; wedding; anniversary party; basketball tournament or Bilbo Baggins 112 birthday party!
The budget will be up to you as the event planner!
For your paper, the below format for 1 - 8 must be followed..
1. Cover page: Your name, course name, Professor's name & class time.
2. Notes page: Brainstorm ideas of what you would like to see take place... including a theme.
3. Mission: Write the Event Philosophy/Mission for this year's event.
4. Event Script: Formulate an Event script detailing an hour-by-hour and day-by-day listing of all activities and the key players that will be responsible to produce this event.
5. Event Directory: Create a directory of all key players who will help you produce this event.
6. Budget: Create a projected budget for this event.
7. Floorplan: Create a Floorplan.
8. Works cited: You must use MLA or APA format.