Plaintiff: Bernard, Charleen and Damien
Defendant: Alan
Plaintiffs want to sue Defendant for breach of agreement respectively. Whether they succeed or not depends on the formation in each case.
If succeed, they might be give compensation.
a) Define Contract by Professor Mckendrick
b) Formation of contract required 7 elements:
Offer, Acceptance, Consideration, ITCLR, Capacity, Vitiating factor, Illegatity
c) Define Offer by Professor Treitel
d) Define Acceptance by Professor Atiyah
e) Define ITCLR by Professor Chen-Wishart
f) Define Capacity
Charleen's Case
1 ) Gave $20 to Alan to purchase his textbook
Probably minor because she still completing her O level
1a) Similar to case of Nash v Inman
1b) Brief facts of Nash v Inman
1c) Main principle of Nash v Inman
1d) Own analysis about Nash v Inman
2) Charleen is Alan's sister.
Not ITCLR, under social/domestic relationship
2a) Similar to case of Jones v Paddavaton
2b) Brief facts of Jones v Paddavaton
2c) Main principle of Jones v Paddavaton
2d) Own analysis about Jones v Paddavaton
Bernard's Case
1) Seems like friendship scenario just like above.
Made a counter offer of $150, destroy original offer
1a) Similar to case of Hyde v Wrench
1b) Brief facts of Hyde v Wrench
1c) Main principle of Hyde v Wrench
1d) Own analysis about Hyde v Wrench
Damien's Case
1) He messaged Alan but no response, not positive acceptance.
1a) Similar to case of Harvey v Facey
1b) Brief facts of Harvey v Facey
1c) Main principle of Harvey v Facey
1d) Own analysis about Harvey v Facey
Charleen's Case
Bernard's Case
Damien's Case
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ABR)
a) Define Dispute Resolution
b) Define Mediation and Arbitration
c) Advantages and Disadvantages of ABR
d) Venue to solve ABR in Singapore
Example : Small Claims Tribunal in State Court and Singapore Mediation Centre