
Plagiarism is cheating it will not be tolerated and will

1. Each student will select, research, and report on a modern information assurance technology, practice, issue, or crime/incident. The paper must include:

• What the Technology/Practice/Issue/Incident is
• Who uses the tool/practice/technology or was involved in the crime/incident
• For incidents/crimes, include atimeframe of events
• For technology/practice/issue include release dates
• Technical details on how it works (or how the defense against it works)
• Technical, social, legal, and economic impact
• How would you justify its purchase/implementation or defense against it?

3. papers are to be 10 to 12 pages long, double spaced, and with 1 inch margins/borders (top, bottom, left, right). Make sure each page is numbered, and that your name appears at the top of each page. All references must be cited in complete and properly formatted footnotes OR endnotes. Part of the grade on your paper will based on the thoroughness of your footnotes/endnotes and their formatting (authors, titles, publisher, date, page numbers at a minimum). No more than 20% of your paper can be direct quotes from your sources, and those quotes must be properly identified and footnoted.Use the MS Word New Times Romanfont and 11 or 12 points. Your paper must include 10-12 pages of text. No coversheet or table of contents is necessary (but may be included if your desire) and will not be counted toward the page-count. Your references and large graphics will also not be considered in the page-count.

4.The paper is worth 25% of your course grade. Late submission will cost you 5% per day.

5. Student In-Class Presentations. Each student will make a 15 minute oral presentation describing their research topic. Students in the online section are strongly encouraged to attend this session in person to make their presentation, but they may make them online through Collaborate if necessary. Each student will prepare and turn in8-12Powerpoint slides to support your presentation. It is worth about 10% of your paper grade. Your presentation must include: 1) The title of your paper/topic; 2) The nature of your topic (Technology/Practice/Issue/Incident); 3) Timeframe and who is involved (user, attacker, victim); 4) A brief discussion of the technical aspects (how it works). 5) What the outcome/impact/results were.

6. Plagiarism is "cheating." It will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with University policy. Automated tools will be used to detect plagiarism and I will make deductions for minor cases, and grade the paper as a zero for major cases. Major cases of plagiarism will be reported to the University.

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Computer Engineering: Plagiarism is cheating it will not be tolerated and will
Reference No:- TGS0653097

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