Place yourself in the position of senior manager within a

1. Reflecting upon the recruitment and selection process your company used to hire you, what elements did they employ and what recommendations would you make to improve the process?

2. Place yourself in the position of senior manager within a specific department or work unit. How might formally written job requirements help you manager your staff? What must you do to ensure the requirements are compliant and accurate? 

3. Assume you are an HR consultant for a small manufacturing company with 120 employees. You have been asked to review the company's selection program for new assembly line workers. Describe your process for reviewing the program. What would you look for? What should be there, and what should not be there? What are common pitfalls to avoid and how would you guide the employer? Finally, offer a Bible verse that might guide your approach to how employees should be evaluated and/or selected for a job.

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Business Management: Place yourself in the position of senior manager within a
Reference No:- TGS02339490

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