
Place the video camera on the center spotlight on the right

Return the values on the two meters to zero. Double-click (or click and drag) the alpha source and the phosphor screen to return them to the Stockroom counter. Enter the Stockroom. Double-click on the alpha source and the phosphor screen to place them on the shelf. Select the laser and the video camera by double-clicking on them, and then click on the green Return to Lab arrow to return to the lab. Place the laser in the center spotlight on the left and turn the laser on (click on the red/green light). Place the video camera on the center spotlight on the right and click the video camera to turn it on. Set the laser intensity to 1 nW and the wavelength to 20 nm. This wavelength is in the x-ray region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The purple dot is a representation of the x-rays hitting the video camera. Change the Electric Field and Magnetic Field to determine the effect on the x-rays. Did the electric or magnetic fields affect the x-rays? Why or why not?

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Chemistry: Place the video camera on the center spotlight on the right
Reference No:- TGS0615748

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