
Pit bulls a breed of dog were involved in several attacks

Please do a short research analysis on the below questions. Attached is an example in which to format and write your replies.

1. Pit bulls, a breed of dog, were involved in several attacks on humans in recent years. Although accurate statistics do not exist, this type of dog is said to be especially aggressive and has a particularly harmful bite. Some localities have proposed ordinances that single out pit bulls for special licensing, registration, or banning. Others have sought to label them as a "vicious breed," requiring that when on the street or in other public places pit bulls must be muzzled and kept on a 6-foot chain with a 300-pound tensile strength. Some regulations would require owners of these dogs to carry liability insurance in the amount of $100,000. Do you think that such ordinances violate the principles of due process set forth in the Constitution, or do they effectively balance the interests of all those involved-pit bull owners and those who might be bitten?

2. Policing faces a dilemma: There is a need to organize law enforcement efforts in a more efficient way. However, there is also reluctance to provide the necessary resources and authority. Why do you think this reluctance exists? What do you think can be done about it?

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Dissertation: Pit bulls a breed of dog were involved in several attacks
Reference No:- TGS01268718

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