Question 1: Illustrate the term square law of diode. Which diode illustrates this law?
Question 2: Though PIN diode does not exhibit negative resistance effect yet it is a very significant device at microwave frequencies. Validate.
Question 3: Give the construction, working and applications of the PIN diode.
Question 4: Compare the main characteristics of PIN diode and Tunnel diode.
Question 5: What do you mean by the term Gunn Effect? Describe this phenomenon by using two-valley theory.
Question 6: How IMPATT diode is distinct from all other active diodes?
Question 7: Describe the operation of IMPATT diode aided by different diagrams.
Question 8: Describe the fundamental requirements of tunneling phenomenon in Tunnel diode.
Question 9: Explain in brief the quenched and delayed modes of oscillation in the Gunn diode. Which mode is more appropriate and why?
Question 10: What do you mean by tunneling effect? Describe the construction and working of the device, which uses this effect, with the help of sketches. Describe its V-I characteristics as well.