
Pin details of 8051 microcontroller

1) Describe the architecture of 8085 microprocessor with neat and suitable block diagram.

2) Describe the architecture of 8086 microprocessor with neat and suitable block diagram.

3) Describe how do the instructions of 8085 are categoarized based on their functions and word lengths give suiatble example.

4) Design the timing diagrams of memory read cycle and I/O write cycle in an 8085 microprocessor and them.

5) Write down Assembly language programme to transform (72)BCD into its binary equivalent.

6) Describe about Assembly Directives in details.

7) Give the PIN details of 8051 microcontroller and describe in detail.

8) Describe the architecture of 8051 microcontroller in detail with neat and suitable block diagram.

9) Describe the operation of an interrupt controller(8259) in detail with neat and suitable block diagram

10) Design the block diagram of 8255 and describe its operation.

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Computer Engineering: Pin details of 8051 microcontroller
Reference No:- TGS013232

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