
Piezo-electric transducers

Question 1: Describe the term gauge factor with respect to the resistance strain gauge. Obtain an expression for the gauge factor in terms of Poisson’s ratio µ. Describe the advantages and drawbacks of the different materials used for the strain gauge.

Question 2: Describe the principle of working, construction details and applications of the photo-diodes. Illustrate the characteristics.

Question 3: Describe the principle of working, construction details and the applications of phototransistors.

Question 4: Describe the principle of working and constructional details of the photovoltaic cell. Describe why it is helpful for space applications.

Question 5: Write brief note on the piezo-electric transducers.

Question 6: Why is it required to make the strain gauges of very high resistance?

Question 7: What do you mean by dummy strain gauge? What for it is utilized?

Question 8: Illustrate the piezo-electric effect and why is this effect possible only in the crystals containing asymmetrical charge distribution?

Question 9: Why is natural quartz considered most appropriate material for the piezo-electric transducers?

Question 10: Why piezo-electric transducers can’t be used for the static displacement measurements?

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Electrical Engineering: Piezo-electric transducers
Reference No:- TGS07630

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