
Picking online resources for studying human biology


Picking online resources for Studying Human Biology

Designated as "Journ" in the grade book.) You have the chance to search the Internet for websites that may be of use to a human biology student seeking a resource for study. You'll keep a journal of this, and in the end, declare which website you feel is the most useful to a student in this course. Browse the web for course-realted websites; specifically, those that could be useful as study aids. You'll need to find at least 3 and compare and contrast them. Post your findings/thoughts in this journal and include the following:

- The names/locations (URL's) of each website.
- The pros and cons of the sites.
- The currency of the three sites (a.k.a. how old are these sites?).
- The usefulness of each website to a human biology student seeking an online study resource.
- What did you like the best about each site? The least?

Finally, make a decision and declare which one you'd recommend to a classmate, indicating why you selected that particular site over the other two. Please note the grading form that will be used in evaluating your journal. Other students will also be able to review your journal, albeit anonymously. Similarly, you'll be anonymous when you review others' journals. Remember to maintain "Netiquette" with all online communications! Contact me with questions or concerns

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Biology: Picking online resources for studying human biology
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