
Pick up a company and then use the chapter material to

CHAPTER 1 TEAM PROJECT ASSIGNMENT: Client Introduction and Research

1. Will import tariffs be a concern for your client? You can research the import duties imposed by various countries on products by visiting www. export.gov and search for the section "Find Tariffs and Taxes." You will find details regarding how to classify products (Schedule B) and how to research the import duties for those products in selected countries.

2. If your client is a service provider, tariffs may not be an issue. However, foreign governments still may place restrictions on allowable activities by foreign firms and/or company ownership controls. To better understand these restrictions, visit www.export.gov and go to the section "Market Research." Then select the "Market Research Library" and from the Indus-try drop-down box, choose "Services." This tool will provide access to a number of marketing reports regarding U.S. service exports opportunities. Review whether any of those reports relate to your client. Even if none

CHAPTER 2 TEAM PROJECT ASSIGNMENT:The Political-Legal Environment

1. Do you anticipate that your client will need to own significant assets over. seas as part of its international expansion? Manufacturing facilities or S stores would be good examples of substantial investment that may lead to high political risk.

2. Although you have not yet selected foreign markets, are there initial India tions that higher-risk countries may be important markets for your client` If so, are there some initial thoughts about how those risks might be Vin. gated?

3. Review Table 3-3. Are there any early signs that your client may encountec export controls in order to sell its products overseas?


For your team research from this chapter, discussion the following issues:

1. Will your client's product or service require any significant adaptation to meet cultural differences? As an example, what adaptations would be required for the United Kingdom, China, India, Brazil, or South Africa?

2. Are they any indications your client has already made such modifications to its product or service?

3. Research the Hofstede cultural indicators for a country of your choice in Asia, Europe, Central and South America, and Africa. For each of the five countries, identify the Hofstede score for the four dimensions:

• Power distance

• Uncertainty avoidance

• Individualism

• Masculinity

CHAPTER 4 TEAM PROJECT ASSIGNMENT:Ethics and International Marketing

1. Does your client currently have a corporate statement regarding its ethical conduct? Research the firm's website or annual report. Discuss your findings.

2. Does your client currently have a corporate statement regarding its commitment to corporate social responsibility? Discuss your findings.

3. What is your client's public statement regarding sustainability? Does it have a corporate officer responsible for its sustainability program? Discuss your findings.

4. Has your firm signed the UN Global Compact? Have any of its competitors signed the compact?

5. Based on your research, do you feel confident your client has a strong foundation to expand internationally in an ethical manner? Discuss why or any concerns you have.

CHAPTER 5 TEAM PROJECT ASSIGNMENT: International Marketing Research and Data Sources

1. What are some key international marketing questions your firm is likely to want answered prior to entering a foreign market?

2. Of the questions raised in question 1, which could be answered through secondary data, and which would likely require primary research?

3. To identify what data is already available that will assist in your team proj-ect, visit the websites shown in Table 6-S. What reports or data are includ-ed in those sites that may be useful for your project? Discuss your findings.

4. Trade statistics are an important part of the international marketing pro-cess. You will be using trade statistics as part of your foreign market selec-tion matrix in Chapter 7. For this chapter, visit the following website to understand their functionality:

https://dataweb.usitc.gov/ Use this site for U.S. exports and imports.

https://comtrade.un.org/db/ Use this site for all countries' imports and exports. (Express Selection may pAqiest as a start.)


When your foreign market selection matrix is complete, discuss the follow-ing issues:

1. Why did you select each indicator? What did you hope to measure?

2. Were there any indicators you wanted to use but could not find through secondary sources?

3. Explain the basis for assigning the weights to each indicator. Did you try running the model with different weights? How did it impact the final ranking?

4. Based on the final ranking, pick the top three markets you believe would be the best markets for your client. They do not necessarily need to be the top three ranking markets. Explain your decision.

CHAPTER 7 TEAM PROJECT ASSIGNMENT: International Product Policy

For this chapter's team project, discuss the following:

1. Using Table 9-1, identify which factors are the most relevant for your client. For example, would you argue that mostly there are factors that favor standardization? If so, which factors and why? Alternatively, do you believe the factors favor adaptation?

2. Based on the results of your analysis in question 1, what is your recommended product policy for your client? How much standardization or adaptation do you recommend?

3. Also, discuss to what extent any new products may need to be developed.

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