Part I - Number Conversions
Pick the amount from one of the checks in your checkbook. ($50.24)
1) Convert the decimal number into a binary number with three places to the right of the binary point.
2) Convert the binary number into a hexadecimal number.
3) Convert the binary number to a floating-point number using the IEEE -754 Floating-Point Standard
Part II - Adding Binary Numbers
Select two decimal numbers between -60 and +60. One should be positive and the other should be negative.
Convert the numbers into 8-bit unsigned numbers with negative numbers in the 2's complement form. (Remember that positive numbers have the leftmost bit =0 and negative numbers have the leftmost bit =1).
Add the two numbers together to generate an eight-bit binary result. Show your work.
Part III
If a computer is capable only of manipulating and storing integers, what difficulties present themselves? How are these difficulties overcome.