
Pick one human rights international organization you may

Short Assignment #1

Human Rights International Organizations

Your task is to research one international organization, and summarize its purpose and main activities. Your grade will be assigned based on the thoroughness of your research and your writing style. You may bullet point specific facts

1. Pick one Human Rights international organization. You may select from the list below or find one of your own choice (all organizations will need to be approved by the professor). Your assignment should be approximately two pages long.

2. Review the website for the organization to compile the following information:

a. Organization purpose (describe why the organization was created)

b. Main actions/activities (describe what the organization does in relation to human rights)

c. Membership (describe who belongs to the organization and who can join it)

d. Summary of reviews (search online for discussions of the organization's "effectiveness", write a brief synopsis)

3. Come to class prepared to introduce your organization to your classmates and your assignment to be posted to the course moodle page.

My choice is:

International organization for migration

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Dissertation: Pick one human rights international organization you may
Reference No:- TGS02179190

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