
Pick one ethnographic anecdote from the first 3 chapters of

Format: 200- 300 words expected length. Thought brief, the paper should be well- organized, free of excessive errors, and formal in tone.

Prompt: Pick one ethnographic anecdote from the first 3 chapters of Homegirls, and briefly discuss it from the perspective of social constraints on the identity/ies of the participant(s) and from the perspective of the negotiation of identity by one or more of the participants. Most such anecdotes in these chapters involve both constraint and negotiation, so choose a single example that illustrates both.

1. Norma Mendoza-Denton, Homegirls, Ch. 1

2. Norma Mendoza-Denton, Homegirls, Ch. 2, 3

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Dissertation: Pick one ethnographic anecdote from the first 3 chapters of
Reference No:- TGS02205135

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