Pick an event or individual in the economic history of the United States or Europe, 1604 - present. Present background information, describe the importance at the time, and how it resonates today the question.
As this is a junior/senior level class the work you do should be consistent with the scholarship expected of a junior or senior in college.
This means and is not limited to: the paper should be well written and follow the conventional rules of writing. The paper should be adequately researched.
Therefore, using Wikipedia as a sole source of information is not adequate research. Plagiarism should be avoided at all costs.
The grading of the paper will based (approximately) on the following criteria:
- The actual writing in the paper, does it conform to the standard rules of writing and form? 20%
- The quality and depth of the research. Are there adequate citations, footnotes, and a bibliography? 20%
- Your presentation of the event or the individual. What was the importance at the time in history 40%
- The connection of the historical event to the present time 20%.
2000 words.