
Pick a theory from this list eriksons lifespan theory of

Question: This week our forum looks at the foundations of where we learn to become parents. Please answer both parts within your initial posting. Remember to review grading feedback from previous week to improve your discussion this week. Follow the rubric when you develop your posting.

As for all forum questions, please use the forum question to guide your discussion and write your post in a paragraph(s) format. You do not want to repost the question and then insert your answer. Using references to support your work is important that correct APA format uses in-text citations.

1. We learn parenting skills from many places. Perhaps our biggest influence on our attitude towards parenting is from our parents and how we were raised. We also are influenced by media, science, religion, and other sources. In your observation, how have any of these sources influenced parenting, in general, today

2. Pick a theory from this list (Erikson's Lifespan Theory of Development, Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Theory of Development, Jean Piaget's Constructivist Theory, or Socio-Culture Theory of Lev Vygotsky) and apply it to either how you were raised or how you will (would) raise your own children?

As we learnt in Lesson 1, a parent's own childhood and parenting experiences influence their parenting approach. In fact, when surveyed, over half of all parents admitted that their parenting style is greatly affected by the way they were parented themselves (Lerner & Ciervo, 2010). However, 30 percent of surveyed parents indicated that the way they were parented had a moderate impact on the personal parenting style. Although that amounts to just over 80 percent of surveyed parents, parents also have media, historical patterns, and scientific research to inform their parenting style. This lesson will first examine the influences on parental style and then will explore the many different theories that exist (and have historically evolved) regarding parenting.

Topics to be covered include:

• Influences on parenting style

• Theories on parenting style

• Theories on children's growth and development

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Dissertation: Pick a theory from this list eriksons lifespan theory of
Reference No:- TGS02659292

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