Pick a country for analysis to determine how they apply

Below is what I need to have completed. The topics will be need to provide enough information to eventually write a 40-45 page research paper that takes in account a real-world cyber issue that affects business, government, or industry and takes a holistic approach to the issue.

Concepts and elements of the paper

1. Pick a country, for analysis to determine how they apply cyber security to their government or private networks. Explain the cultural, legal, business and other factors involved in the decisions. Finally, what would you recommend the US government or Us Businesses adopt or reject and why.

2. DOD space based communications are vulnerable to attack. This paper will present three different methods for increasing security of space based networks.

My assignment is that I need to present Concepts and elements of the paperand have the abstract and basic outline of the topic chosen along with the sources completed. Remember, we will be utilizing APA formatting, so be cognizant of that when writing the abstract and outline. Then I need a list of sources for the topic completed. Be sure that at least 50% of sources come from legitimate sources from a .gov, .edu. .org. Compile everything you have, and write the first 3-5 pages as a sample "rough" draft.

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Management Information Sys: Pick a country for analysis to determine how they apply
Reference No:- TGS01471747

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