
Pick a company that uses mobile computing investigate how

Please avoid Plagiarism , use your own words.

Purpose: To assess your ability to evaluate how a company uses mobile computing/location marketing.

Overview: Pick a company that uses mobile computing. Investigate how it uses mobile computing/location marketing. Does your company have the following?

1. Website and blog optimized for mobile devices

2. Presence on location-based platforms such as FourSquare, Facebook Places, etc.

3. Mobile App

4. Mobile display ads

5. QR codes in print ad materials

6. Customer signup for texts

7. Paid search with click to call and/or click to map

8. Location-based services and targeting

Action Items: Summarize and evaluate your company's use of mobile computing/location marketing.

What do they use and how well do they use it?

Grading Criteria: Thinking Demonstrates deep, thorough understanding of the topic. Highly insightful. Connects topics to the reading, research, and own experience. Supports opinions with multiple examples of cited evidence.

When reporting on own progress, provides a thorough, detailed description and analysis. Asks specific questions, solicits specific feedback.

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Computer Engineering: Pick a company that uses mobile computing investigate how
Reference No:- TGS02887604

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