
Picassos eyes saw the world and interpreted it much

  • Picasso's eyes saw the world and interpreted it much differently from the Impressionist and Expressionists. Describe some of those differences as evidenced in at least two of his works and explain the reasons he approached art as he did.
  • Explain the comments and views of Juan Gris, the famous Cubist, who observed:

"I try to make concrete that which is abstract. ... Mine is an art of synthesis, of deduction. ... Cezanne turns a bottle into a cylinder, but I begin with a cylinder and make an individual of a special type: I make a bottle - a particular bottle - out of a cylinder. ...That is why I compose with abstractions (colors) and make my adjustments when these colors have assumed the form of objects." Use one or two of his works to substantiate your explanation.

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History: Picassos eyes saw the world and interpreted it much
Reference No:- TGS02416276

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