Using the databases in the CSU Online Library, research TWO of the following legal issues or concepts of your choosing and how it impacts EMS organizations: Forms of consent: Who can give, when, and what is required? Refusal of care: Who can give, when, and what is required? Do not resuscitate orders: What is required, and when can you honor them? Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment Programs: Does your state have one, and what does it mean? Health care durable power of attorney: Does your state have a form, and when can you honor it? Living wills: What is required, and when can you honor them? Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act: What processes are required for your organization to be compliant?
Legal, Political, and Regulatory Environment
Your essay should be a minimum of three pages, excluding the title and reference pages. Your essay should review or brief the issue, provide an example or case found in your research, and address at a minimum, the questions listed for each. You must use a minimum of three sources; All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations