
physical properties of amino acidsa amino acids

Physical properties of Amino acids

(a) Amino acids are colourless, crystalline substances comprising sweet taste. They melt along with decomposition at higher temperature (much more than 200°C). They are soluble in water although insoluble in organic solvents.

(b) Apart from glycine, all the α-amino acids are optically active and comprise an asymmetric carbon atom (α-carbon atom). Therefore, each of these acids may present in two optical isomers. In proteins, though, only one isomer of each is generally involved.

(c) Zwitter ion and isoelectric point : as the -NH2 group is basic and - COOH group is acidic, in neutral solution it presents in an internal ionic form known as a Zwitter ion in which the proton of -COOH group is transferred to the -NH2 group to make inner salt, as well known as dipolar ion.

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Chemistry: physical properties of amino acidsa amino acids
Reference No:- TGS0272656

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