
physical lay outphysical lay out of the nursing

Physical Lay Out:

Physical lay out of the nursing unit should be planned and built in such a manner so that it helps the head nurse to discharge her duties/carry  out her responsibilities efficiently. Location of workrooms, office, medicine and linen closer  in relation to the patient unit affect markedly the number of  steps that are reduced. In an open ward all patients are in full view of  the nurses. It is easier to recognize patients' needs for attention, to locate doctor and nurses for message and  to know what is happening when patients are housed in small unit. 

  • Primary Accommodation 
  • Bed: It comprises of single bedrooms  or multiple bedrooms For planning purposes  120 sq feet per bed is allowed.

There should be provision for hand washing, number and location of sinks ensure the availability of  running water in every patient's room or just in the utility room determines the amount of walking and time spent to draw and empty bath water, wash hands, clean equipment. 

Treatment Room:  Should be in every nursing unit to carry out surgical dressing, basic and advanced nursing procedures. This should reduce risk of infection. 

Nursing Station: The station may be raised in order to have uninterrupted vision of patients. It should be centrally  located and constructed in such a manner that nursing staff can provide direct observation while she is in the room preparing  injection, using telephone, writing report or charting and still can observe the patients. The nurses station should have following components: 

- Sister's  room with attached bath and WC. 

- It should have built cupboard for medicines and dangerous drugs. 

- A large worktable in open space outside Sister's room with stoolslchairs for canying out daily work. 

- Patient nurse call device. 

- Telephone. 

- Built in drug cupboard for daily use medicines and other equipment.  

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Biology: physical lay outphysical lay out of the nursing
Reference No:- TGS0176445

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