
Physical description of endagered species


Endangered/Threatened Species :

Review the information regarding the Endangered Species Act

Select a species to research for this assignment.

Make sure your species is on the current endangered/threatened species list. You can check for status updates using the following websites:

Fsh and wildlife service

Earth's endangered species

The IUCN Red list

NOAA's list of marine species

Information to Research:

Please answer each question separately, this is not a research paper.

You must include a works cited section and include in-text citations!

1) Name of endangered species (common and scientific) *Remember to italicize the scientific

2) Status of endangered species (threatened, endanger, critically endangered)

3) Habitat and Biome of endangered species (both name -e.g. South Texas - and description e.g. brushy with mild winters)

4) Physical description of endagered species

5) Picture of endnagered species

6) Niche of endagered spcies, including its trophic level/place in the food web

7) Major reason the spcies is in trouble. What is causing its decline?

8) Importance of species (enviromental and/or econimic. Is it an important producer in it's ecosystem? e.g. it is used to produce cancer-fighting medicine, etc?)

9) Support that is being given to the species (What is being done to save it?)

10)A way in which you are separated by "six degrees of separation" from the endangered plant or animal you chose (connections through food chains, resource use, ecosystems, or anything else.) These connections can be very direct or indirect, but exemplify the idea that all life is connected, and that our actions affect other species to some degree whether consciously or unconsciously.

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Other Subject: Physical description of endagered species
Reference No:- TGS02027859

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