
Physical and cognitive changes that happen to a person

Please to make 3 comments in 3 different peers.

Need 1 page for the 3 peers.

The comments should be a minimum of one short paragraph. Whether you agree or disagree, explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or a related experience. Include a reference, link, or citation when appropriate. Provide evidence of critical, college-level thinking and thoughtfulness in your responses or interactions. Avoid summarizing. Be aware of grammar and stay on topic.

This is the question and based in the following question, my peer wrote it. Now base in the question and what my peer wrote and what do you thing make some comments in them.


Considering all of the physical and cognitive changes that happen to a person as they age, why should older people continue to or not continue to work or go to school? Would you want to higher an older worker (why?)? Do you think there are certain jobs that would be better for older people? What do you think the pros and cons are for older people to continue working and going to school? How do you think societal views and cultural factors influence older people working and going back to school?

Here are my classmates what they wrote based in the above question.


This a very interesting question. As we know the determining factor for an older person to continue working or not, is their financial situation. Many older adults have minimal social security pay therefore need to continue working. However I can imagine that there are a group of elderly adults who enjoy their job and are able to do it so they choose to keep working even beyond retirement age. Each situation is very unique and I don't think there is an answer for all of them. As for me personally, I would hire an older person just depends for what job. For example if a job would require intense physical activity and the older person can hardly do it then this would not benefit neither of the two parties, the employer and the elderly applicant. However, if an older person has 40 years experience in accounting then he or she may be a great addition to the company. However there is another problem with that. If a person is around 70 or older, it becomes obvious that he would not be able to perform at a job for a very long time. Therefore if the employer is looking for someone who will grow with the company a new person at that age will not be able to that because of lifespan limitations.

I believe societal views impact the elderly in tremendous way. Because the common view of seniors goes back to ageism in modern western society, the elders try to remove themselves from participating in professional activities. I can imagine that they would feel pressured and unwanted and therefore rather not try involving themselves either in education or working related activities. Although is they are still able to do that it would most likely benefit them greatly for many reasons. One they would be involved in something meaningful, secondly the process of learning would enhance their whole presence in this world.


I feel that older adults are discriminated against immensely in the workforce. They face age discrimination based on the stereotype that they are no longer fit or able to perform their jobs the way they used to. According to the chapter older individuals are stereotyped as not being able to learn new skills efficiently or wanting a higher salary due to experience (Mason, 2011).

However, I believe that it is beneficial for older adults to continue to work, go to school or volunteer their time after retirement. Some adults after retirement would like something to keep them busy. Without having a job, school or an area to volunteer they may be alone more often which is not good for their cognitive health. If older adults continue their education they are increasing their memories and intelligence due to our brains plasticity. They may also be aiding there creative side by learning something that is interesting to them. In the chapter Mason states that older adults benefit from volunteering and have better mental and physical health because of it. This leads to more satisfaction in post-retirement which is also linked to better health.

Unfortunately not all older adults have the luxury of just "volunteering" their time. Many older adults need to continue working due to the fact that social security benefits are so low and medical bills are so high. When older adults need to work to live there can be many stereotypical issues that arise. Some companies let older adults go in lieu of hiring someone younger who will start off at a much lower salary. Other older adults may have worked a previous job of construction or plumbing which they may not have the physical capacity to handle any longer after retirement. These older adults now have to rejoin the workforce and find different employment that would be easier on their bodies. I would absolutely hire an older adult because I think they have a multitude of skills and experience that would be essential to certain positions. However, I do feel that certain jobs would be better for the elderly. I feel that Jobs that require less physical labor and more social skills would benefit older adults without stressing or fatiguing them. These types of jobs would allow them to socialize, use their cognitive skills and keep their memories sharper.

References: Mason, M.G. (2011). Adulthood and Aging. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon


I think that older people should continue to go to school or work. Education is for everyone and you can only gain knowledge and experience with continuing to go to school or work. If money is not an issue for the older adults and they are not worried about loans and bills that play a big role in their lives, then they should pursue their hearts desire. Although some would say, what about their pace in school and work, I think if they feel they can handle it we shouldn't judge or criticizes their abilities.

I think that people from all different cultures and backgrounds experience life differently, and if one doesn't take advantage of school when they are young and chooses to do so later on, it should continue to be an option.

Personally I think older people are wiser and more focused on work than younger crowds. I do worry about health factors that people experience as they age, and ability to perform quickly and efficiently in terms of technology and motor skills. But I think its wrong to discriminate a person based on their age. I would definitely make the expectations clear for the job and if they are willing, I would give them a chance.

Ultimately the job elderly people take on is their choice, but I would prefer something that did not require a lot of physical labor. Only because after learning about all the obstacles that become present with aging, I think it would be in their best interest to take it easy. I think they benefit from working and going to school. It is easy to lose motivation in life, and to have nothing to aspire to can seem depressing. I think working and school can be motivating and uplifting to an elderly person. The feeling of being needed and valued in society can go a long way, and school or work can do that for them.

I don't think society as a whole has the same visions as I do. I feel like the elderly are judged and are viewed as incompetent because of their age. People tend to think that elderly people are to delicate to work let alone return to school. I think these are some reasons they don't try going back. On the other hand it think having something to wake up to every day can be motivating. Society doesn't know how much elderly people suffer from depression or being alone and have work and school could change that for them.

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