1. Physical addiction and psychological addiction are different conditions: some drugs are only psychologically addictive, and some drugs are both.
2. Generally, marijuana is considered to be psychologically, but not physically, addictive.
3. Officials claim that La Familia controls as much as 30% of their state's formal commerce and usually owns the businesses - from cattle ranches to gas stations- where it launders its billions of dollars.
4. The most dangerous aspect about hallucinogens is that they cause impaired judgment, which often leads to accidents and making poor decisions.
5. In 2005, U.S. Congress curbed the over-the-counter sales of pseudoephedrine: this led to a big decrease in U.S.-based meth labs, but La Familia Michoacana worked rapidly to resupply American meth users by creating around 1,000 new meth labs in Michoacán.