
Phy-102 - write paper on the chemistry of preservatives -

Overall Project Review

The chemistry of preservatives is the topic.

Use this outline to write this paper

Research Paper Outline

Topic- The chemistry of preservatives.

Preservatives are added on products to make the products or food last longer. Is the hypothesis true. What statement are needed to support the hypothesis.

First Paragraph- focuses on its uses

Second Paragraph- focuses on its benefits

Third paragraph- focuses on the safety uses


Does using preservatives on food prevent bacteria and microbe from growing. If so what is the chemical composition that make up these preservatives and why they are needed.

Include abstract

Application Paper: Task 2

Using the work you completed in Task 1, write your application paper, which should be 750-1,000 words.

Include the following:

1. An introduction.

2. A minimum of three body paragraphs each describing some aspect of the application. Make sure to include how each aspect relates to one or more concept(s) from this course. You may choose to include the history of the application as one paragraph.

3. A concluding paragraph.

4. You must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook as references to support your paper. Make sure to properly cite your sources.

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Physics: Phy-102 - write paper on the chemistry of preservatives -
Reference No:- TGS02875387

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