Photographic principles of image formation

Answer all the questions which are described below:

Question 1: Write down the photographic principles of Image formation.

Question 2: Describe application of Fluorescence in the Radiography.

Question 3: Illustrate the application of screens in the radiographic imaging.

Question 4: State the various types of illumination of Dark Room.

Question 5: Criteria of the radiographic darkroom or write a short note on the arrangements of equipments in Dark room?

Question 6: Enumerate the properties and functions of the fixer.

Question 7: What do you mean by the term film processing? Explain the steps of film processing.

Question 8: Describe general construction of a Manual Processor Unit with a labeled diagram.

Question 9: Describe various types and causes of Image Artifacts.

Question 10: Describe various techniques of Silver Recovery.

Question 11: Compare between steel wool method and electrolyte method of silver recovery.

Question 12: Name all the artifacts generated by CR System and explain any one of them.

Question 13: Explain the procedures needed for the care and maintenance of CR Imaging System.

Question 14: Explain how the image is formed in direct and indirect DR Systems.

Question 15: Discuss the properties of Scintillator.

Question 16: Describe the construction and working procedure of a Scintillation detector.

Question 17: Write short note on the following:

a) Adherographic.
b) Xenon gas ion chambers.

Question 18: Write short note on the following:

a) Anti-Abrasive Supercoat.
b) Phosphorescence.

Question 19: Write short note on the following:

a) Activators.
b) Mounting of intensifying screens.

Question 20: Write short note on the following:

a) Criteria for a good cassette.
b) Digitization.

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Physics: Photographic principles of image formation
Reference No:- TGS02189

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