Question 1:
a) Derive the wave equation for hydrogen.
b) Illustrate the interaction of matter via photoelectric effect and Compton Effect.
Question 2:
a) Write the significant postulates of valence bond theory. Draw and describe molecular orbital diagram (MO) of HZ molecule.
b) What do you mean by VSEPR theory? Describe the structures of SF4 and XeF6 molecules based on VSEPR theory.
Question 3:
a) State and describe John-Teller effect with a typical example.
b) Explain the different factors influencing the magnitude of ‘Δ0’ in octahedral complexes.
Question 4:
a) Describe the categorization and structures of higher boranes.
b) What are metal nitrosyls? Describe the structure and bonding in metal nitrosyls with appropriate illustrations.