Phl 111-were the resources the argument was built upon

Module Journal Guidelines

Overview: In this journal entry, you will continue to explore the argument in the primary article associated with your chosen topic for the final project. You will explain how the argument contains or avoids bias, providing specific examples from your primary article to justify your claim. You will also discuss the credibility of the overall argument by first examining the argument's resources, and then determining how the credibility supports or undermines the article's claims. For your final project, you will need to discuss each of these aspects, so this journal assignment is an opportunity for you to start to think about and practice discussing these things in relation to the primary article for your chosen topic. Review this tutorial for information on creating a Blackboard journal entry.

Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed in your journal entry:

I. Presented Argument: To begin your journal entry, provide a sentence reminding your instructor which article you are referring to so that you can best communicate. Include a link to your selection.

A. Explain how the argument contains or avoids bias.

i. Provide specific examples to support your explanation.
ii. What assumptions does it make?

B. Discuss the credibility of the overall argument.

i. Were the resources the argument was built upon credible?
ii. Does the credibility support or undermine the article's claims in any important ways?

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Dissertation: Phl 111-were the resources the argument was built upon
Reference No:- TGS02183465

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