
Philosophical analysis and the accuracy of your hypotheses


Through your practicum/field experience, select one lesson plan from each of three different content areas that either of your mentor teachers will be teaching to their class. Address the following:

At least one lesson must be in birth-PK age range.

At least one lesson must be for grades K-3.

The third lesson plan can be for any age, birth-grade 3.

Analyze the plans and hypothesize the teacher's teaching philosophies. Look for the components of effective lesson planning.

Observe the teacher teaching from the lesson plans you chose and analyzed.

Create a 500-word summary in which you share your philosophical analysis and the accuracy of your hypotheses. Support your hypotheses with examples from the lessons. When submitting this assignment, attach copies of the teacher's lesson plans you analyzed, along with your notes.

Research a variety of lesson plans online. Analyze three different plans for three different content areas and age levels (preschool, PK, K, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade) using the rubric provided.

Recreate the online lesson plans, filling in any gaps you found. Justify any changes you made and aspects that remained the same. Include the links to the original plans for your instructor.

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Other Subject: Philosophical analysis and the accuracy of your hypotheses
Reference No:- TGS01812426

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