
Phil 011 explain the mind-body problem in metaphysics what


Topic: For your first essay, you will choose ONE THEORY OF METAPHYSICS that responds to the mind-body problem. You will write about 3 things:

1. You need to explain the mind-body problem in Metaphysics. How did this problem begin? What are the different theories philosophers have given to solve the mind-body problem?

2. You will choose one theory (for example, Cartesian dualism or Physicalism or Functionalism) as being the best theory for solving the mind-body problem. Then you need to explain why you prefer this theory over other theories.

a. What arguments are the most convincing?

b. Why are the other theories' arguments NOT convincing?

3. Which reading you think supports your argument for this theory (such as Descartes' Meditations, or Fodor's Mind-Body Problem)?

a. For this section, you should use a reading discussed in the book to support your argument.

b. Be sure to use " " marks if you quote these readings and tell me the writer's name.

Your entire papershould be around 1000-1500 words. That means you should answer each question with 350-500 words.

Reading: To answer these questions you should use this books-

• William Lawhead, "The Philosophical Journey"

o Pages 212-260 (this includes overview of problem, as well as theories attempting to solve the problem)

o You will find this book under "Content"

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