
Phe-101 public health - match the correct intervention with

Activity: Intervention Strategies, Tools, & Organizations

Match the correct intervention with the matching Public Health Issues

To complete this assignment, you will use the quiz tool to match three specific public health issues with their logical strategies, tools, and organizations. You will have two attempts to complete this quiz.

Because they tend to be large, complex, and involve many people, public health problems can rarely be successfully addressed with a single intervention. Most often, the issues must be tackled from multiple angles involving multiple strategies by multiple organizations, as you saw in the hepatitis - A outbreak case study in Module Four.

For this matching exercise, you will be presented with three prompts-one each for strategies, tools, and organizations. Your task is to match each option with the most appropriate public health issue. Here are the three issues:

- There is a sudden jump in local teenager hospitalizations resulting from glue sniffing.
- A recent survey found a 15% drop in seatbelt use in your state.

- Industrial sludge began leaking into a local stream from a nearby, closed steel plant.

Tools-match the public health issue with the most logical tool

Surveillance in affected community       1. Seatbelt use
Interaction with community                 2. Industrial leakage
Media outreach                                 3.Glce srlffing

On-air public service announcements, Facebook postings, news releases   1. Seatbelt use
Poster contest with prizes                                                                 2. Glue sniffing
Community-wide household survey, contamination analysis                      3. Industrial leakage

Organizations-Match the public health issue with the most logical organization

Local car dealership                           1. Glue sniffing

school district                                   2. Industrial leakeage

Enviouremental Protection Agency        3. seatbelt use

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