
Ph value of arterial blood and venous blood

1) What do you mean by a GSR Measurement?

2) What do you mean by BSR Measurement?

3) Describe how the blood pressure is measured in the indirect method.

4) Write down the uses of gas analyzers in detail.

5) What do you mean by called Respiratory rate?

6) What do you mean by called Cardiac Output?

7) Explain the principle of sphygmomanometer

8) Write down the methods involved in direct blood pressure measurement?

9) What is pH Value of Arterial blood and Venous blood?

10) What do you mean by Apnoea?

11) What is the principle of working of Electromagnetic blood flow meter?

12) What is meant by Spirometer?

13) Describe MVV, FVC, and FRC in detail.

14) Write down the different sounds made by the heart?

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Biology: Ph value of arterial blood and venous blood
Reference No:- TGS011444

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