Pew internet and american life project

After checking out the sidebar about the Pew Internet and American Life Project at

Go to the Web site and browse through the reports. Select a report and briefly summarize it in a short paragraph. In an another paragraph please answer these questions:

- Who is the report's audience?

- What is its purpose?

- How were the data collected?

- What did the data collection measure?

- Why was the data collection important?

Given your analysis of the report's audience, purpose, and data collection, consider the strategies used in the report to convey the information. In a third paragraph, answer these questions:

- What tone did the writer adopt?

- How was the report organized and designed to meet the needs of the audience?

- What language choices did the writer make?

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Other Management: Pew internet and american life project
Reference No:- TGS01780979

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