
Pew internet and american life project

After checking out the sidebar about the Pew Internet and American Life Project at https://www.pewinternet.org

Go to the Web site and browse through the reports. Select a report and briefly summarize it in a short paragraph. In an another paragraph please answer these questions:

- Who is the report's audience?

- What is its purpose?

- How were the data collected?

- What did the data collection measure?

- Why was the data collection important?

Given your analysis of the report's audience, purpose, and data collection, consider the strategies used in the report to convey the information. In a third paragraph, answer these questions:

- What tone did the writer adopt?

- How was the report organized and designed to meet the needs of the audience?

- What language choices did the writer make?

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Other Management: Pew internet and american life project
Reference No:- TGS01780979

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