
Persuasive proposal to your target audience

Project: Proposal Assignment Information
Objective: To write an effective, persuasive proposal to your target audience in a prescribed format.The proposal presents what problem/situation you want to investigate for your project and why, your initial ideas for improving/solving the situation, and how you plan to investigate it.

What to do : Write a proposal presenting the topic of your project and directing it to the person or organization or both that will receive your project documents. Describe the problem; your ideas for change; the benefits and drawbacks of your ideas; your qualifications for investigating the topic and developing your analytical report; and your schedule of activities.
Include a graphic that shows your research plan and schedule. You can include other graphics to support your argument or show a budget if you like. Use July 21, which is the due date for the analytical report, as the project's completion date in your schedule. (Review the guidelines for integrating text and graphics in the Text/Graphic Integration handout in the Course Content to learn how to present your graphics, such as your project schedule, seamlessly in your proposal.)
Include some primary and secondary research to support your argument in your proposal by incorporating information from at least three sources, including at least one source obtained through primary research and one source through secondary research. You can find more information about primary and secondary research in chapter 6 of the Markel textbook. Supporting your ideas with
information from credible sources will make your proposal more persuasive to your audience. Cite information from other sources using in-text citations and then cite your secondary sources in the References section of your proposal. Follow APA guidelines in citing your sources.
Use a memo format if you are writing your proposal to an internal audience, or a business letter format if you are writing your proposal to an external audience.
Note: Address the proposal to your primary audience. This audience is the same one for your analytical report. Do not address the proposal to me as the instructor. The evaluation sheet I use in evaluating the proposal is also attached. You can use this evaluation sheet as a guide in developing and revising your proposal.
Include a graphic that shows your research plan and schedule. You can include other graphics to support your argument or show a budget if you like. Use July 21, which is the due date for the analytical report, as the project's completion date in your schedule. (Review the guidelines for integrating text and graphics in the Text/Graphic Integration handout in the Course Content to learn

how to present your graphics, such as your project schedule, seamlessly in your proposal.)
Include some primary and secondary research to support your argument in your proposal by incorporating information from at least three sources, including at least one source obtained through primary research and one source through secondary research. You can find more information about primary and secondary research in chapter 6 of the Markel textbook. Supporting your ideas with
information from credible sources will make your proposal more persuasive to your audience. Cite
information from other sources using in-text citations and then cite your secondary sources in the
References section of your proposal. Follow APA guidelines in citing your sources.

Note: Address the proposal to your primary audience. This audience is the same one for your analytical report. Do not address the proposal to me as the instructor. The evaluation sheet I use in evaluating the proposal is also attached. You can use this evaluation sheet as a guide in developing and revising your proposal.

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Term Paper: Persuasive proposal to your target audience
Reference No:- TGS056849

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