Answer the following questions:
- What product did you choose to analyze for the Key Assignment, and why? What were your initial reactions to the product advertising campaign under analysis?
- Did the campaign change your attitude? If so, how?
- Did the campaign change your behavior? If so, what did you do differently?
Use the following sociopsychological approaches to describe your understanding of persuasion and propaganda used in the campaign:
- Authority: Did the campaign use an authoritative figure to persuade you?
- Reciprocity: Did the campaign offer something in reciprocation?
- Commitment or Consistency: Do you feel a sense of commitment or need for consistency because of the campaign?
- Social Proof: Do you feel a sense of social approval because of the campaign?
- Likeability: Do you like the people in the campaign?
- Scarcity: Does the campaign imply a scarcity of the product?
Write your answer in 400 to 600 words.