"Organizational Citizenship" Please respond to the following:
• Persuading the employees that their jobs are meaningful and exciting is a skill that few managers possess. From the first e-Activity, the management invested in employee training and team building. Analyze how that investment pays off. Suggest how companies could change their employee training practices to incorporate team building.
• Most companies do not organize every project in a strict hierarchy of silo reporting relationships. Propose an alternative organization structure for a company that is focusing on developing new engineering technology in solar energy. Support your proposition
"Supply Chains" Please respond to the following:
• From the second e-Activity, assess the usefulness of RFID technology to reduce costs in the supply chain (i.e., Wal-Mart). Determine where and how this technology might be best used.
• Outsourcing does not necessarily result in reduced costs. Outsourcing a company's customer service department could cause problems for customers that result in a loss of revenue. Give your opinion about how and where outsourcing may best be used to improve a company's operation. Include an example to support your answer.