
Perspective view of pyramid to vp

1) A square pyramid with side of base 30 mm and height 55 mm rests over the HP on its base with the base edge perpendicular to VP. It is cut by the plane perpendicular to VP and inclined at 30o cutting the plane meets the axis at 25 mm from vertex. Sketch the elevation, sectional plan and true shape of section.

2) Sketch the development of lower portion of the cylinder with diameter 55 mm and axis 60 mm when sectioned by the plane inclined at 40o.

3) A cylinder of diameter 35mm and height 40 mm is resting over the square block of base 55 mm and height 40 mm. Sketch its Isometric projections.

4) A rectangular pyramid of side of base 60 mm and 50 mm and height 70 mm rests having its base on the ground such that one of longer base edges is parallel to picture plane and 30 mm behind it. Station point is 50 mm in front of picture plane, 40 mm to left of pyramid and 75 mm above ground. Sketch the perspective view of the pyramid to VP. Develop it to HP, perpendicular to the VP and bisecting the axis.

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Mathematics: Perspective view of pyramid to vp
Reference No:- TGS012617

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