
Perspective on the reading component problem

1. Go to the Reading Rockets Target the Problem website, click here to enter: “Start the Target the Problem!


2. Select one of the five components of reading to explore.

3. Read through each perspective on the reading component problem (i.e., A kid’s perspective, a parent’s perspective, a teacher’s perspective), identify key words or phrases teachers should listen for to indicate that this factor might be influencing a student’s success with reading. Record a) your name; b) reading component; and c) key words or phrases on the Linoit board. Click here to enter the board: REED 620 Module 2, part 1. Note: This board will be accessed by both Main Campus and Hagerstown students.


4. After you have read all perspectives, then you will read the “How to Help” section within your chosen reading component. This section will provide recommendations for students and parents to assist in decreasing the influence of this factor on students’ reading success.

5. Visit our second Linoit board. Click here to enter:


REED 620 Module 2, part 2. Post/share insights gained about how to detect problems within your selected reading component, as well as recommendations to address problems within your component. You can post both the detecting problems and recommendations on the same post it note.

6. After posting and reading the information on both Linoit boards, your final posting will be on your Bb in Module 2. You will post your overall reflection about how we can assist to decrease the influence of these factors on students’ reading success. Be sure to consider all reading components that were shared and discussed. Be sure to give some thought to what your classmates how posted about the reading components, but your submission should be your own thoughts.

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Reference No:- TGS01428377

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