
Perspective of unitarism the organization is regarded as an

Purpose of trade union in unitarism theory:

From the perspective of unitarism. the organization is regarded as an integrated and harmonious group of people with one loyalty culture. In addition, this perspective similar to paternalism has a high requirement for the loyalty of all employees. The management of such an organization is outstanding due to its emphasis on effectively define organizational goals and ensure the commitment of employees to the job and to larger organizational goals. For this reason, it has been concluded that trade unionsare regard as unwelcome intruders, and would disrupt relationship and compete with management for the loyalty and commitment of employees.

In 2012, the Business Council of Australia submit 100 -page review of the Fair Work Actv 2009 (Cth) to claim that the Act encouraged trade unions to intervene in the employment relationship to disrupt work placec ooperation. However, BCA pointed that greater involvement of trade union would damage direct engagement between employers and employees.

According to Moore and Gardner, employers believe that they can best promote the interests of employees by working directly with them. For example, Employees enter into aworkplace agreement. The agreement therefore represents a true meeting of minds, with rights and obligations between parties in fair balance. As employees could clearly recognize the terms and conditions of working agreement, it would not result in conflict between parties. Therefore, there is no need to have union to represent by employees for regulating the employment relationship.

Unitaristm is based on assumption that employment relationships areharmonious. The theory depend on the assumption that organizational members have logic and have the potential of making rational decisions concerning the combination of their interests as well as the interests of the organization. However, in reality, power has been distributed inequality between managers and workers, especially blue workers. The Non-unionism in unitarist has also resulted in difficulties in determining the contents of employment contract by employees (Rose, 2008). According to some researchers examining the processes and outcomes of a workplace, non-unionism after 2005 made the evaluation of employment contacts extremely difficult. The effect is even worse in employees such as low skilled workers, workers in dangerous employment and women who are vulnerable to labour market positions.

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Business Management: Perspective of unitarism the organization is regarded as an
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