Using pages 444-447 in the Leadership pdf, complete the Perceived Leader Integrity Scale (PLIS) as a follower by circling the numbers that best describe your perceptions of a current or former leader's behavior. Follow the scoring directions on page 447 to measure your perceptions of your leader. Then share your perception about that leader in terms of his or her Transformational Leadership style and Organizational Effectiveness.
Read Case 16.2 on pages 441 and 442.
Question 1: Which ethical perspective best describes the PPI management's approach to outside audits by OSHA officials (Utilitarian, Duty, or Virtue)? Explain your answer. For example, " I believe PPI's management officials have a _____ ethical approach because - - - .
Question 2: Why does it appear the ethics of PPI's management and its attorneys are in conflict? What approach are the lawyers taking?
Questions from: Transformational Leadership, Chapter 9 (pages 185-217) & Leadership Ethics, Chapter 16 (pages 423-451) Northouse 2013, Sage Publications, Inc.