
personnelit is important that while allocating


It is important that while allocating nursing, medical and paramedical staffs, the needs of the neonatal unit should not be ignored. The highest priority in the organization of neonatal unit is the availability of sufficient number of adequate trained personnel especially the nurse. The high power committee has recommended one nurse is needed to offer special or intermediate nursing care to three babies or intensive care to one infant.

The National Neonatology Forum of India has recommended that at least one trained nurse should be allocated to provide coverage to four babies in the special care neonatal unit. The allowance should be kept for additional 25 per cent staffs to provide for the exigencies if day off and leave. The continuity of the service can be maintained if at least 5 per cent of the nurse are rather permanent and not transferred frequently as is the usual practice in general hospital.

Neonatologist should devote his full time to improve the existing standard of neonatal special care service. The unit must also have an independent senior resident doctor and one junior resident round the clock for every eight babies requiring special care.

A laboratory technician should be available to operate bikdinometer, glucometer, micro centrifugation, CRP kits and blood gas analyzer. A biomedical technician or a link person is essential to maintain a liaison with supplies of equipment to ensure their smooth functioning and prevent breakdown. When ventilatory facility are established respiratory therapist is a useful member of neonatal team to monitor ventilatory settings.

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Biology: personnelit is important that while allocating
Reference No:- TGS0176405

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