
Personalized analysis along with bibliographic citations

Each case poses several questions that require your personalized analysis along with bibliographic citations from course materials and outside readings. For each selected case:

1. Carefully analyze the case based on the concepts and principles from background readings, required texts, in-class presentations, literature reviews, and other information sources (books, academic and trade journal articles, business publications, etc.) related to class content.

2. For each case, prepare a critical analysis for each question (worth up to 7 points per case). You must address all questions included with the case and optional issues of your choice. Your answers should synthesize and integrate course content and other resources to develop a personalized and defensible analysis. A thorough response for most questions should total about 500 words.

3. For each case, include at least three (3) appropriate APA-formatted citations/references (worth up to 3 points per case) to support your analysis. Citations can be drawn from required class texts, other course materials, student projects, journal articles presented in class, or additional readings consulted exclusively for the exam. Use APA standards for in-text citations, and include an APA reference list at the end of each case. All items included in the reference list must be cited in-text.

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Reference No:- TGS01429444

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